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MTG - Aetherdrift Commander Deck Eternal Might - EN

Pre order 02/2025 !
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Start your engines for a high-octane death race across the Multiverse!


Swerve through three planes of mayhem, dodging dangerous obstacles and rival racers along the way.


Crew up unique vehicles and mounts as you discover which racing team best suits your style, then hit max speed to claim the gold.


In Commander, four players come together to show their strength and strategy, with one player coming out on top. Each 100-card ready-to-play Aetherdrift Commander Deck makes it easy for Commander fans in your store to grab a deck and play right away.



1 ready-to-play deck of 100 Magic cards (2 Traditional Foil Legendary cards, 98 nonfoil cards)

2-card Collector Booster Sample Pack

10 new-to-Magic cards

10 double-sided tokens

1 deck box (can hold 100 sleeved cards)

1 strategy insert

1 reference card


MTG - Aetherdrift Commander Deck - Eternal Might - EN

SKU: IMP HO Commander Deck - Eternal Might
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