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MTG - Innistrad Remastered Play Booster Box ( 36 Boosters ) - EN


Sink your teeth into the very best of Magic’s spookiest gothic horror setting and rediscover everything you love to fear. This Innistrad Remastered Play Booster Box contains 36 Play Boosters, perfect for both Limited play and opening packs just for fun.


Each Play Booster contains 14 Magic: The Gathering cards and 1 Token/Ad card, Helper card, or Art card, including 1–4 cards of rarity Rare or higher and 3–6 Uncommon, 6–9 Common, and 1 Land cards.


Each Play Booster arrives nostalgia-packed with a Retro-frame card and 1 card of any rarity is Traditional Foil.

Foil Borderless Mythic Planeswalker in <1% of boosters.

Traditional Foil Land replaces a Land in 20% of boosters. 

MTG - Innistrad Remastered Play Booster Box ( 36 Boosters ) - EN

SKU : IMP BLCK Innistrad Remastered Play Boost
239,99 €Prix

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